The Wynndale Worship Bells meet on Sunday nights at 7:00 in the music building where they practice and prepare to lead the church in worship through the use of Handbells. This group is made up of 13 adults playing a 5-octave set of Malmark bells. They prepare music for Worship, Christmas, Easter and the annual Mississippi Baptist State Handbell Festival. Handbell spots are filled as openings occur.
Director of Adult Handbells
Barry Burris, Worship and Senior Adult Pastor
Barry Burris, Worship and Senior Adult Pastor
Kids and Youth
The Beginner Bells meet on Sunday afternoons at 5:00 with the purpose of learning the concepts of ringing and playing music to lead the church in worship. This group is open to 4th graders through 12th graders who are willing to commit to a weekly bell rehearsal. The children’s bells play in worship a few times a year and may participate in the Mississippi Baptist State Beginning Bell Festival.
Director of Wynndale Children's Handbells
TBA, Beginner Bells Director
TBA, Beginner Bells Assistant Director
TBA, Beginner Bells Director
TBA, Beginner Bells Assistant Director