Opportunities for Music and Worship Involvement
- Wynndale Worship Choir (for Senior High age and up)
- Wynndale Worship Orchestra (for Senior High age and up)
- Wynndale Worship Bells (Adults)
- Preschool Choir (ages 3-5)
- Children's Handbells and Choir (1st-6th grade) (August - December for choir)
Rehearsal: Sundays 6:00 pm we transition to Choir in the Music Room
- Worship Praise Team
- Worship Tech Team
- Drama and Banner Ministry
Wynndale Worship and Choir Leadership Team
Rev. Barry Burris, Worship Pastor Jeff Ladner, Sound and Media Team Coordinator Pat Pardue, Pianist Patsy Alford, Organist Vicky Poirrier, Children’s Bells Rev. Barry Burris, Children’s Choir Jami McDonald, Preschool Choir |